Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why Study Abroad?

Study Abroad Students
Why should I study abroad? This is a question many students may ask themselves or parents may ask their children when considering the benefits of studying in a foreign country. What are the advantages? What will I gain from leaving my current life and living abroad for a semester or year? What have others experienced? What can I gain from this experience?

And all of these questions are valid. Packing your life into a suitcase and flying across the ocean to new family, friends, town and school may seem overwhelming and frightening. At DFSR, we believe the advantages of studying abroad far outweigh any disadvantages.

From our thirty plus years of experience, we have seen the advantages and positive effects of studying abroad. Here is a list of only a few reasons to study abroad; at DFSR, we believe the list of advantages is endless. What are your experiences with studying abroad? Feel free to share them in the comment section below!

  1. Creation of Your Own Cultural Identity

    • During our inbound student orientation we discuss the mixing of old and new cultures. When you study abroad, you enter a completely new culture with foreign foods, language barriers, intriguing formalities, and often times, different standards of living. You adapt to these new changes and then, all-to-soon, you return home to your "old" culture. Since your cultural identity molds and adjusts during your study abroad experience, you get to choose how to incorporate your new and old culture. This advantage of blending cultures allows you to live more open-minded and culturally aware.
  2. International friends from study abroad

    Life-Long International Friends

    • How cool would it be to have friends all over the world? When you study abroad and make an effort to create new relationships, you are creating a world-wide support network.
  3. Increase Job Market Value

    • When you apply to jobs after studying abroad in high school or college, your employer will recognize the initiative that you made to study abroad. By studying abroad, your perspective and experience with international relations and world culture and the ability to have an open mind all increase your qualifications for job placement and candidacy. Even if you do not plan to attain a degree in international studies or language, the simple fact that you spent time living in and exploring a new culture will aid in your qualifications!
  4. Learn a New language 

    • By learning a new language, you not only open doors to greater communication with your host family, friends and residents of your host country, but you open doors to your future. Learning a new language gives you a greater understanding of the messages, meanings and culture in your host country, and makes you a more well-rounded individual.
  5. Unique Experiences 

    • Aside from studying abroad, there are not many other times in life when you would have the opportunity to spend Christmas learning German traditions with a German family, attend classes where you are the only student from your home country, or eat homemade paella made by your Spanish host mother. No matter where you study abroad, new experiences will meet you gladly. 
  6. Creation of Independence & Maturity

    • When studying abroad, you leave your home life at home, including your parents, friends, routine, etc. When living in a new country, you are faced with choices and decisions that you have to make on your own. Being culturally aware and accepting are both characteristics that can be learned and appreciated while studying abroad. Although you may live with a host family and have set rules like you did at home, you still feel a sense of freedom abroad. If you deal with this freedom in the correct way, you may find a sense of mature independence that thus shapes your future.
  7. New Perspective on Life

    • When you study abroad, you break barriers and dissolve stereotypes. You are able to see a country and its people for what it and they truly are; you experience a world apart from what you see on TV and read online. You actually experience a new culture and it becomes part of you. Study abroad not only allows you to view the things and people around you in a different light, but if you allow it, study abroad gives you a new perspective on life.


  1. People who have had the opportunity to take international studies abroad became friends with diverse cultured persons.

  2. Study abroad makes u learn many thingss... it's real it makes us learn diffrent cultures

  3. Parents who earn under £25,000 in total receive the most support from the maintenance loan. However this year’s National Student Money Survey found that even the parents who earn the least still give cash support to fund their children’s cost of living as they study,

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